Skills Used: client management, in-depth interviews, qualitative analysis, user archetype/persona development, opportunity scoping, ideation
Context: In 2018, a meditation technology startup hired me to conduct user research that would help them innovate and differentiate their product in an increasingly crowded mindfulness app landscape.
Approach: I planned and conducted 20 in-depth interviews with users of the top meditation apps at the time: Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer. After analyzing the data, I delivered 5 user archetypes and 5 opportunity spaces that the startup could pursue to innovate in a way that mapped to real user needs and pain points.
Findings: My research found that meditation app users leveraged physical objects in their environment to help themselves mentally transition into meditation. Physical objects and spaces helped focus and anchor them, especially when using a smartphone that was often perceived as distracting.
Impact: Based on my research, the startup pivoted to explore the design of a physical device that accompanied a smartphone app, to help center the digital meditation experience around embodied connection.